
「妙想非遺」Think Beyond ICH

計劃簡介 Programme brief


A programme under the Partnership Projects of the Intangible Cultural Heritage(ICH) Funding Scheme –“Think Beyond ICH” , aims to recruit local tertiary students to be “ICH Creative Leaders” , to learn about local ICH items and participate in the promotion, preservation and transmission.

項目內容 Programme content


“ICH Creative Leaders” are divided into groups of 3-5 persons who undergo the following two stages:

Stage 1: Learning about ICH (not less than 20 hours)


A series of diversified experiential sessions including training/site visits/field trips, will be conducted to provide students with a basic understanding of ICH. These sessions including but not limited to: Introduction to ICH, visit to local heritage conservation units and interviews with ICH practitioners.

Stage 2: ICH Internship


Internship opportunities are provided for students to take part in ICH promotion, preservation and transmission, including but not limited to: assisting in curating ICH exhibition in Southern District, engaging in cultural experiences and tours, and participating in sharing sessions, etc.


  • 與傳承人進行口述歷史訪問
  • 記錄傳承人實踐非遺的過程
  • 構思非遺的創意展示和推廣方法
  • 親身分享及推廣非遺項目
  • Conduct oral history interviews with ICH practitioners
  • Record the practice of ICH
  • Organise the ICH promotion and exhibition
  • Share and promote the ICH items in person

Each group must complete:

  • 非遺項目展覽:1-2個
  • 駐場展覽日數:3節
  • 舉辦文化體驗 / 帶領導賞活動:3節
  • 出席分享會:1節
  • ICH exhibition: 1-2 items
  • On-site support for exhibition: 3 sessions
  • Cultural experience/tour host: 3 sessions
  • Sharing: 1 session

The following 10 ICH items to be covered

  1. 口頭傳統和表現形式:
    – 漁民話

  2. 表演藝術
    – 嘆歌
    – 鹹水歌

  3. 社會實踐、儀式、節慶活動
    –  洪聖誕
    –  傳統婚嫁儀式 (水上人)

  4. 有關自然界和宇宙的知識和實踐
    – 漁民有關自然界和宇宙的知識

  5. 傳統手工藝
    – 木船製作技藝
    – 魚膠製作技藝
    – 鹹魚製作技藝
    – 漁網編織技藝
  1. Oral Traditions and Expressions
    – Fishermen’s Dialect
  1. Performing Arts
    – Fishermen’s Laments
    – Fishermen’s Ballads
  1. Social Practices, Rituals and Festive Events
    – Hung Shing (God of the Sea) Festival
    – Traditional Wedding Ceremonies (Boat Dwellers)
  1. Knowledge and Practices Concerning Nature and the Universe
    – Fishermen’s knowledge about the Universe and the Nature
  1. Traditional Craftsmanship
    – Local Wooden Boat Building Technique
    – Fishing Net Plaiting Technique
    – Fish Maw Making Technique
    – Salted Fish Making Technique


A completion certificate is awarded if the above two stages are completed successfully.

招募對象 Target


Local tertiary students
Quota: 24 persons
Fee: Free of charge

日程 Programme timeline

報名方法 Enrollment

面試 Interview

  • 我們會視乎報名表格的回答內容,以電郵方式邀請初選申請者進行線上個人面試
  • Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an online individual interview via e-mail

入選準則 Selection criteria

  • 對推動和保育非遺的熱誠
  • 願意親身接觸非遺項目及其傳承人
  • 對非遺項目、以至本地文化發展有的反思和理解
  • 樂於與人合作、共同學習及創作
  • Enthusiasm for the promotion and preservation of ICH
  • Willingness to come into personal contact with ICH items and their bearers
  • Reflection and understanding of ICH items and local cultural development
  • Willingness to co-operate, learn and create with others

截止報名日期 Deadline for registration


查詢 Enquiry

2873 2244